The purpose of this article is to study the historiography of the problem of the specifics and evolution of marriage and family relations in Russia in the XVI century. The author concludes that the problem is urgent, as this century was a watershed between two different models of the relationship. However, the formulation of the problem was for a long time prevented, on the one hand, by a lean source base, and, on the other hand, by peculiarities of the pre-revolutionary and Soviet historiography, which, for various reasons, did not put this kind of problems in the spotlight. At the same time, in the period prior to 1917 the collection and systematization of the facts on the subject were performed, and in the Soviet historiography, although mainly in the framework of related and supporting disciplines, many important findings were get, which still have not lost their significance. In the post-Soviet historiography traditional research areas were developed, but they are now supplemented by a more in-depth study of the social and cultural context of the problem. During all three periods this theme has been studied mainly indirectly, or in a broader context, but not independently. From the author’s point of view, though the historiography of the problem is not extensive, it is nevertheless a solid basis for the formulation and solution of this problem.
Keywords: Russian state, 16th century, evolution of marriage and family relations, historiography
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Issue: 9, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 207 — 213
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