Question of the reception of the ideas of enlightened absolutism A. N. Radisheva is one of the most discussed among domestic researchers. Opinions on the issue can be divided into two groups. The first is that Radishchev was negatively disposed to the theory, the second believe that the writer was kind of hoping for the possibility of the existence of an enlightened monarch. The work is the study of attitudes of the Soviet researchers on the question of the relationship of the writer to the idea of enlightened monarch, as reflected in the notes to the word “samoderzhaviye” in the translated book by the French philosopher G. Mably “Reflections on Greek history or the reasons of the prosperity and misfortunes of the Greeks” and his major work “Journey from Petersburg to Moscow”. As a result of the study with the involvement of writer’s texts it was concluded that the greatest validity has the opinion on the commitment of Radishchev to the theory of enlightened absolutism.
Keywords: A. N. Radishchev, G. Mable, the theory of enlightened absolutism, the Soviet historiography, perception
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Issue: 9, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 214 — 218
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