In the historiography the process of formation and development of Russian national organizations, as well as their participation in the restructuring and the dismantling of the Soviet system is poorly studied. Studies show that during this period they participated in the struggle against the CPSU and leftist movements, providing support for the “right” for liberals and democrats, advocating in their programs the need to abandon the planned economy and the multinational state. The analysis of works of nationwide historiography allows us to conclude that the use of Western Siberia materials and involving them in the context of Russian national research organizations is not enough. The authors studying the problem at the national level used primarily governing body documents and materials on the activities of Russian nationalists in the European part of Russia. Researchers from Western Siberia in relation to 1980's examine the activities of “Memorial” and “Memory” to 1990's, in fragments studied activity of the Russian National Union (ROS), the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR), the Russian Public Movement (ROD), the Congress of Russian Communities (KRO) and Russian National Unity (RNE). Western Siberia, one of the few regions in which conducted the analysis of the organizations that declared themselves as Russian national that makes it possible to study the activity of these organizations in order to their political doctrine.
Keywords: Russian nationalists, etatists, national discourse, historiography, political life of Western Siberia, monarchists, the Russian Orthodox Church abroad
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Issue: 9, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 223 — 228
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