The sculpture of the ancient inhabitants of Western Siberia was studied in order to identify the origins of the iconography of the image of bear in the cultic repoussage of the Kulai community of the early Iron Age. It was established that the figurines of a bear standing on four paws, and the image of the beast’s head are genetically related to similar types of the sculpture that appeared in the Neolithic Era. The images of a bear standing on its hind paws became popular on the eve of the Iron Age under the influence of the forest-steppe ethnocultural impacts. The partial images are undergoing the process of rearchaization and form compositions known as a bear in the «sacrificial posture». Iconographic types reflect different semantic layers, representing, in particular, social symbols.
Keywords: the Neolithic Era, the Bronze Age, the early Iron Age, the Rulai cultural-historical community, the images of bear, symbol, Western Siberia
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Issue: 9, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 247 — 254
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