Among the categories of people who need public care, children-orphans and children left without parental care occupy a special place. The child's right to live and grow up in the family enshrined in the UN Convention On the rights of the child and the Family code of the Russian Federation. In the sphere of the family and marriage relations there are destructive processes that concerned also the Tuva family. Although for centuries the family for Tuvinians was an important and the only form of existence. Heavy nomadic life in harsh climatic conditions was too much alone, a man without family was doomed to extinction. In accordance with the guidelines of traditional culture, Tuvan family consisted of several generations, including all the relatives of both spouses that protected the people from incest. The Tuvinians lived in a community of 4–5 Yurts, basically, it consisted of father family and the separate families of the married sons with children. Other relatives also roamed near to another part of the AAL. The community was closeknit, there were cultivated customs and traditions of one kind or another. In this regard, the Tuvan traditions of the people associated with family values, that allowed us to solve the problems of children-orphans and children left without parental care are of great interest. The nomands traet with special care children with disabilities, orphans and children left without parental care. Society of nomads has always shown great attention to childhood as a special age group, requiring increased care. Historically vagrancy, begging, homelessness of children is not allowed. This experience can be useful for those working for the rights of protection of minors and for development of programs for prevention of social orphanhood, family trouble.
Keywords: traditions, education, family, orphan children, children without parental support, nomads, possession of many children
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Issue: 9, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 270 — 278
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