The article is focused on problems and prospects of traditional Ket upbringing based on observations made during linguistic expeditions to the places of compact habitation of Siberian indigenous peoples and analysis of Ket tales and stories, presented in “Annotated folk and daily prose texts in the languages of Ob-Yenissei linguistic area”. Ket folklore can become an inexhaustible source for the education of the younger generation in human terms as well as in terms of preservation of national identity and respect for the unique Ket culture. It is commonly known that language, ethnicity, national identity are closely related to each other. However, under the specific conditions, that found themselves the indigenous peoples of Siberia (the unfavorable at present language situation for the development of minority languages), the attention of ethnopedagogics should be directed at promoting the material and spiritual culture of the peoples of the north within Russia and even the countries of the near and far abroad.
Keywords: minority ethnos, ethnic cultural environment, traditional upbringing, material and intellectual culture, Kets
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4. Sbornik annotirovannykh fol’klornykh i bytovykh tekstov obsko-eniseyskogo yazykovogo areala [Annotated folk and daily prose texts in the languages of Ob-Yenissei linguistic area]. Ed. A. Yu. Filchenko. Tomsk: Agraf-Press Publ., 2012. V. 2. 247 pp. (in Russian / in English).
5. Sbornik annotirovannykh fol’klornykh i bytovykh tekstov obsko-eniseyskogo yazykovogo areala [Annotated folk and daily prose texts in the languages of Ob-Yenissei linguistic area]. Ed. A. Yu. Filchenko. Tomsk: Vayar Publ., 2013. V. 3. 386 pp. (in Russian / in English).
6. Sbornik annotirovannykh fol’klornykh i bytovykh tekstov obsko-eniseyskogo yazykovogo areala [Annotated folk and daily prose texts in the languages of Ob-Yenissei linguistic area]. Ed. A. Yu. Filchenko. Tomsk: TML-Press; Vayar Publ., 2013. V. 4. 344 pp. (in Russian / in English).
Issue: 11, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 11
Pages: 116 — 119
Downloads: 978