The article is devoted to slang units as a component of one of the sub-strata, which are present in every national language and comprehended by linguists at the level of the language system, and from the point of view of the functioning within certain areas of interpersonal and social communication. The subject of the study is the jargon, manifesting the specifics of the speech activity of the Chinese youth. The linguocultural angle of attention allows to explore the extra-literary lexicon of this category with the reference to manifestations of national culture. Substantiates the definition of jargon as linguocultural units that represent the specificity of a particular linguistic culture primarily in the context of intercultural interaction. It is noted that the study of certain strata of vocabulary as linguistic markers of national culture is relevant today in the context of the observed expansion of international relations and multicultural space communications, as well as the entry of humanity in the era of globalization and widespread information. The system of Chinese youth slang is traditionally exposed to the sublanguage differing stylistic markedness in relation to the literary norm. The use of slang words and expressions in China is characterized by centuries-old tradition, which in the light of their study in the aspect linguocultural mainstream is defined as one of the most important tasks of linguists.
Keywords: slang, youth slang, jargon, linguistic culture, cultural linguistics, jargon as the linguocultural unit, Chinese
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Issue: 3, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 9 — 14
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