Advertising influence is seen as manifestation of discourse social power, which is realized in different linguistically encoded forms of mental control over the target audience. It is analyzed in terms of representational structures – text worlds (mental representations) created in advertising discourse to establish relations between participants of communication. PRODUCER, PRODUCT and ADDRESSEE are the core elements in the structure of text worlds created in separate communicative acts. Text world is considered a generic term encompassing the notion of basic text world and sub-worlds, which are either participant-accessible or character-accessible. Sub-worlds projected in British advertising discourse are stated to differ depending upon the pragmatic perspective. The former have the effect of providing greater significance to the rational element of promoting the product, while the latter focus on entertaining aspects of advertising often associated with fiction.
Keywords: representational structures, discourse, text world, initial text world, sub-worlds, advertising influence
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Issue: 3, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 42 — 47
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