The literary work of Z. Prilepin is not studied enough for objective reasons (the first novel “Pathology” was publicized in 2004). Prilepin’s prose attracted scholarly interest as an outstanding phenomenon of the modern Russian literature. The motif of childhood, that largely determines the stylistic manner of the writer, creates a kind of metatext of his artistic space. The application of structural-semiotic method to “decode” the cultural content of the motif of childhood in Prilepin’s novel “Sankya” allows to interpret the discourse of the writer, not only as the experience of becoming the “new realism” (in part, through intertextual dialogue with the Russian classics), but also as a creative search in the paradoxical metaphysics of postmodernism. As a discursive element the motif of childhood becomes the way of actualization of the complex permanent immaturity of human in crisis era.
Keywords: poetics, motif, discourse, theme, method, childhood, child, symbol, code, psychologism, postmodern
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Issue: 3, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 145 — 151
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