The article presents statistical analysis of the results of testing of students involved in the pedagogical experiment conducted by the department of “Higher Mathematics” in Samara State University of Railways. Built interval variation series calculated the most important numerical characteristics of random variable – the sample mean, sample variance and the sample standard deviation allowed to build a histogram of relative frequencies. By type of the line of empiric density was put forward the statistic hypothesis of normal distribution of the random variable. To test this hypothesis is used the Pearson criterion consisting in comparing empirical and theoretical frequencies, which confirms the hypothesis. Selection of the normal distribution curve leads to the conclusion that about 30 % of students will require more self-educational activity in order to achieve a satisfactory result, as well as to build a scale of success of training.
Keywords: self-educational activity, sample mean, expectation, sample standard deviation, histogram of relative frequency, distribution function, hypothesis, confidential interval, scale of the success of learning
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Issue: 4, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 46 — 52
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