The article outlines the various aspects of personal information security in modern pedagogical science and educational practice. The security issue is of great importance among the students due to their social activity increase. The principal approaches such as prohibitive, personal-resource and integrative were considered for understanding of the nature of the personal information security. According to these approaches the personal information security can be described as characteristic of the environment or the individual, or as a way of interaction of the person with the information environment. The classification of information risks was suggested. An efficient development of the personal information security is explained in terms of the hermeneutical and contextual approaches which allow to carry out step-by-step text analysis activities aimed to enhance the process of understanding and meaning-making.
Keywords: personal informational security, informational risk, student, hermeneutical approach, meaningmaking, interpretation
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Issue: 4, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 120 — 125
Downloads: 900