Presents characteristic features of the teaching experience of the mother; the experience is seen as a measure of component competence of the mother in the education of children of early and preschool age. Mothers teaching experience and professional experience of the teacher are considered in parallel. Personal life of women from birth affects their educational experience. The distinctive feature of experience is the individual work of the mother on their existing knowledge and ideas about the education of children in the family. In addition, it is a reflection on those experiences that were in her life, in specific teaching situations. The activity of the mother includes: self-observation, self-analysis, the assessment itself in the role of family educator. The most effective form of mother’s work on their own pedagogical experience, the author believes, is “mother’s diary”.
Keywords: teaching experience, personal experience of the teacher, development of women’s maternal scope, teaching experience mothers
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Issue: 4, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 156 — 161
Downloads: 830