The article discusses the importance of motivation, teacher’s position, especially the organization of children’s research activities at different stages of education: preschool, primary, secondary and high school. Determines the results of the children’s research activities: formation of the research activities and the cognitive interests(preschoolers), formation of research skills and new cognitive motives (younger students), formation of research competences and research positions (middle and high school unit). These results orient teachers to the continuity in the organization of research activity of children while preserving the specificity and value of each phase. Teachers describe the position of children in the study. It varies from the organizer and head position to the position of coordinator and assistant. Motivation of students in children’s research change during training: cognitive interest (preschool children), social and cognitive motives (younger students), cognitive motives (older students). These results help teachers to see continuity in the organization of children’s research.
Keywords: children’s research activities, the continuity in the organization of children’s research
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Issue: 5, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 23 — 27
Downloads: 726