The article is devoted to studying of personal names of Tomsk Tatars of the first quarter of the XVIII century. The research objective is a complex description of functioning of the anthroponimics of Tomsk Tatars of the XVIII centuries in historical and linguistic aspect. In this research the general methods of linguistic research are used: descriptive, contrastive- comparative, structural, techniques of the system and functional analysis. On the basis of these archival materials the features of antroponimic system of Tomsk Tatars are considered, comparison with the systems of other people that allow to allocate their ethnocultural ties during the studied period is carried out. It is revealed that in the names of Tomsk Tatars are widely used the names charms formed from verbal components. On the materials the close interrelation of personal names of Tomsk Tatars with Turkic appellative lexicon is revealed. Many names of Tomsk Tatars became a genetic basis of many Tatar and Russian surnames which remained up to now.
Keywords: anthroponimic system, personal names, historical anthroponimics, historical and linguistic aspect, revizsky fairy tales, Tomsk Tatars, first quarter of the XVIII century
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Issue: 6, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 95 — 98
Downloads: 861