The article describes the main cognitive features of the mental scenario “Mockery” in the Russian language picture of the world in comparison with English. The author summarizes the results of researchers on the problem of modeling the scenario “Mockery”. There are basic components of mental scenario “Mockery” in both language pictures of the world: subject, predicate, object, causator, intention of action, estimated and emotional components, the basis of the evaluation and the relationship between subject and object. The author describes the mental scenario “Mockery” in correlation with other elements of cognitive space “Laughter”: ridicule, derision, joke, smile, banter etc. There are two types of mockery in the English and Russian language pictures of the world. The differences between them are described in the article.
Keywords: language map of the world, mental structure, concept, concept-image, concept-scenario, lexeme, the definition analysis
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Issue: 7, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 7
Pages: 51 — 58
Downloads: 927