The term “edutainment” is formed from two English words: “entertainment” and “education” and combines entertainment and learning. We understand edutainment as a special education technology, viewed as a complex of modern technical and didactic means of teaching, based on the concept of learning through entertainment. The main difference between edutainment and the modern paradigm of learning is that the subject is actively involved in the educational process. As a result of interaction between an informative and entertaining object and active in learning subject we obtain knowledge, abilities, skills, individual experience, subjective emotions. Edutainment technology tasks have to meet three pedagogical principles: the principle of theory with practice linking, the principle of consistency and the principle of accessibility. Edutainment technology has great potential in the organization of the learning process at the University. It is necessary to maintain a reasonable balance between education and entertainment. Tasks created to promote the interest, need to be balanced with activities to improve intelligence.
Keywords: technology, edutainment, active learning, subject-subject communication, didactic and technical educational means, educational environment of the university
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Issue: 8, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 8
Pages: 30 — 34
Downloads: 1110