The article analyses inter-confessional relations of the Russian old believers (pomorets) and representatives of the Orthodox Church in Ust-Tsilma municipality of the Mezen district of the Arkhangelsk province in the second quarter of the XIX century. The analysis is based on the previously unknown archival documents stored in the State archive of Arkhangelsk region. The main attention is paid to the activities of the Orthodox priests, which was aimed at the eradication of schism. Reveals the factors that contributed to the preservation and consolidation of the old believers in Ust-Tsilma villages. Special importance is attached to opening of the common faith parish in the village of Ust-Tsilma in 1856. Analyses and explains the failure of local authorities and clergy on the eradication of the old believers. The main conclusion serves the determination of the activity of the clergy, carrying out the decrees of the sovereign for the elimination of the schism, which fullfiled explanatory work among the old believer population rather inertly. That explains the failures of the local authorities and clergy to eradicate it.
Keywords: Russian, Old Believers, split, priests, Ust-Tsilma, house of worship, the church
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Issue: 9, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 14 — 20
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