The relevance of studying the problem of the oil factor in the policy of the Soviet state is due to the exceptional value of oil strategy of the state during the Soviet period. The study of this phenomenon is presented by the fragmented historical periods, that does not allow to see the continuity of the state policy in relation to oil, the similarity was performed with the help of state tasks. The purpose of this study is to analyze the priorities of the state approaches to oil and its changing role in the implementation, the state solved problems. Among the objectives set by the author is identification of the main factors influencing the strategic approaches to oil. The author comes to the conclusion that the oil factor in the policy of the Soviet state held an especially significant place, the oil was mainly the export of energy resource and the means to achieve geopolitical goals. The main provisions of the state policy, formulated in terms of electrification with respect to oil, remained virtually unchanged during the entire Soviet period. The evidence of this is the prevalence of export of oil products before 1958, and crude oil since 1958. There was also noted the period of reducing the proportion of oilexport in the total exports of the USSR: the decline was seen in the period from 1929 to 1934, and continued until the end of the reign of I. V. Stalin. The highest value of oil exports in the state strategy was in the 1920s. and since the end of the 1950s. In the second half of the XX century oil was in the center of economic competition between the two political systems. Throughout the Soviet period, oil is an important tool for solving problems of strategic importance both within the country and outside it. Changes in approaches to the problems of oil were determined mostly by the foreign policy factors.
Keywords: politics, state, petroleum products, oil, extraction, oil export
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Issue: 9, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 43 — 50
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