S. V. Bakhrushin’s works continue attracting the attention of researchers of Siberian history. Until recently his review on Z. Ya. Boyarshinova’s thesis about the Tomsk district has been quoted, only with a positive assessment of the work. But alongside with this the review also noted a number of comments and omissions that still remain littleknown. It becomes clear in the result of the analysis of revealed two variants of the printed review. Consequently, according to their content it is possible to judge about the scientist’s approaches in the work during the writing of the review, the focus of his creative thought while making his adjustments, objective assessment of Tomsk researcher’s manuscript.
Keywords: S. V. Bakhrushin, Z. Ya. Boyarshinova, review, history of Siberia, Tomsk district, bibliography, archive
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2. Spisok nauchnykh rabot Bakhrushina S. V. za 1909–1947gg. (1948 g.) [List of scientifi c works of Bakhrushin S. V. for the 1909–1947 biennium. (1948)]. Arkhiv Rossiyskoy Akademii Nauk (ARAN) [Archive of Russian Academy of Sciences]. F. 624. Op. 2. D. 4. LL. 11–15 (in Russian).
3. Platonov S. F. Problema russkogo severa v noveyshey istoriografi i [The problem of the Russian north in recent historiography]. Letopis’ zanyatiy Arkheografi cheskoy komissii za 1927–1928 gg. [Annals of employment of Archaeographic Commission for 1927–28]. Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR Publ., 1929, vyp. 35, pp. 105–114 (in Russian).
4. Hunkov V. I. Trudy S. V. Bakhrushina po istorii Sibiri [Proceedings of S. V. Bakhrushin on the history of Siberia]. Bakhrushin S.V. Nauchnye trudy [Bakhrushin S. V. Scientifi c works]. Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR Publ., 1955, vol. 3. Part 1. Pр. 6–8 (in Russian).
5. Basharin G. P. Nekotorye voprosy istoriografi i vkhozhdeniya Sibiri v sostav Rossii [Some questions of historiography of joining Siberia to Russia]. Jakutsk, Kn. izd-vo Publ., 1971. 136 p. (in Russian).
6. Sheynfel’d M. B. Metodologiya rabot S. V. Bakhrushina po istorii Sibiri [The methodology works of S. V. Bakhrushin on the history of Siberia]. Voprosy istoriografi i i sotsial’no-politicheskogo razvitiya Sibiri (XIX–XX vv.) [Questions of historiography and socio-political development of Siberia (XIX–XX centuries)]. Krasnoyarsk, Publ. 1976. Vol. 1. pр. 106–134 (in Russian).
7. Bakhrushin S. V. Trudy po istochnikovedeniyu, istoriografi i i istorii Rossii epokhi feodalizma (nauchnoye naslediye) [Works on the source study, historiography and history of Russian feudalism Epoch (Scientifi c Heritage)]. Compliers: L. G. Dubinskaya, A. M. Dubrovskiy; Executive editor doct. hist. sci. B. V. Levshin. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1987. 223 p. (in Russian).
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9. Mitrofanov V. V. “Vse izvestiya o Vas my lovim s neterpeniem…”: pis’ma S. V. Bakhrushina k S. F. Platonovu [“All the news about you we catch eagerly...” Letters of S. V. Bakhrushin to S. F. Platonov]. Istochnikovedcheskiye i istoriografi cheskiye aspekty sibirskoy istorii [Source study and historiographical aspects of the anthrax story]. Part 9. Edited by Ya. G. Solodkin. Nizhnevartovsk, Izd-vo Nizhnevart. gos. un-ta. Publ., Nizhnevartovsk, Izd-vo Nizhnevart. gos. un-ta Publ., 2015. pp. 302–303 (in Russian).
10. Mitrofanov V. V. Pis’ma N. K. Auerbakha k S. V. Bakhrushinu (po materialam Arkhiva RAN) [Letters of N. K. Auerbach to S. V. Bakhrushin (based on RAS Archive)]. 75 let Hanty-Mansiyskomu avtonomnomu okrugu: itogi, uroki, perspektivy: materialy regional’noy nauchnoy konferentsii (Nizhnevartovsk, 9 dekabrya 2005 goda) [75 years Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District: results, lessons, perspectives: Materials of regional scientifi c conference (Nizhnevartovsk, December 9, 2005)]. Executive editor L. V. Alekseeva. Nizhnevartovsk, 2007. Pp. 15–18 (in Russian).
11. Bakhrushin S. V. Rets.: Auerbakh N. K. Zaseleniye i razvitiye promyslov v nizov’yakh reki Eniseya [Rev.: N. Auerbach The settlement and development of fi sheries in the lower reaches of the Yenisei River]. Sibirskiye ogni – Siberian Lights, 1930, no. 6. p. 127 (in Russian).
12. Chelovek v istorii: Pamyati prof. Z. Ya. Boyarshinovoy: sb. nauch. st. i materialov [Man in History: Memory of Prof. Z. Ya. Boyarshinova: Collection of scientifi c articlas and materials]. Executive editor A. N. Zheravina. Tomsk, 1999. 270 р. (in Russian).
13. Bakhrushin S. V. G. F. Miller kak istorik Sibiri [G. F. Miller, a historian of Siberia]. Miller G. F. Istoriya Sibiri [G. F. Miller History of Siberia]. Moscow, Leningrad In-t antropologii, arkheologii i etnografi i Akad. nauk SSSR. Nauch.-issl. ass-tsiya In-ta narodov Severa im. P. G. Smidovicha GUSMP pri SNK SSSR. Moscow, Leningrad. Vol. 1. 606 p. (in Russian).
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15. Otzyv o dissertatsii Z. Ya. Boyarshinovoy “Naseleniye Tomskogo uezda v pervoy polovine XVII v.”. Gosudarstvennyy arkhiv Tomskoy oblasti (GATO) [State archive of Tomsk region]. No. R-1863. Op. 1. D. 219. L. 44–48 (in Russian).
16. Zaychenko P. A. Tomskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. V. V. Kuybysheva: ocherki po istorii pervogo sibirskogo universiteta za 75 let (1880–1955). [Tomsk State University named after V. V. Kuybyshev: Essays on the history of the fi rst Siberian university for 75 years (1880–1955)]. Tomsk, Iz-vo Tomskogo gos. un-ta Publ., 1960. 478 p. (in Russian).
17. Bakhrushin S. V. Nauchnye trudy [Scientifi c works]. Moscow, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR Publ., 1955. Vol. 3. Part 1. 376 р. (in Russian).
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Issue: 9, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 71 — 78
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