The article discusses practice oriented form of educating students of pedagogical institution in working with children with developmental issues. Presents the technology of supervision as a universal method of professional preparation that ensures involvement of a future teacher in having experience of partnership with colleagues, students. Describes are stages of realizing supervision by a teacher - who teaches at the pedagogical institution and who is a carrier of technologies in working with children. Presents the experience of realizing the supervision technology in working with students of “pedagogical education” and “specialized (defectological) education. Recognizes the effects of realizing such way of professionally educating student in a form of value-sensible experiences, conscious relation to pedagogical activity with children with developmental issues, acquiring experience of constructive interaction with colleagues – partners-supervisors, acquiring first hand experience in realizing professional working activities.
Keywords: supervision, professional education, special training, practical oriented way, work with children with developmental issues
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Issue: 9, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 128 — 134
Downloads: 793