Hypothesis is one of the most important forms of science development. At the present time the role of the hypothesis increases with the increase of theoretical knowledge and the initiation of young generation to scientific cognition methods at the University. Unfortunately, we can rarely come across the correct use of hypotheses in the educational process; its great importance in the development of students’ cognitive abilities and formation of their thinking is not always taken into account. The reason is that teachers often focus on educational issues, but overlooked the fact that problem solving proceeds by putting forward evidence and hypotheses. The article describes the logical nature of the hypothesis; determines the ways of its application in cognitive activity of students. It is emphasized, that on the one hand, the hypothesis is referred to logical forms of thinking, on the other hand – to the process of nomination, development and proof of new propositions and inferences itself. Meanwhile, the hypotheses can be performed on the basis of observations and experiments; by deductive reasoning deducing new knowledge from already known theories, and by deductive transfer of already known laws to new phenomena. Available ways of hypothesis applying to the students’ cognitive activity based on the years of experience are proposed in the article.
Keywords: hypothesis, methods of cognitive activity, ways of hypothesise development, thinking, induction, deduction, analogy, intuition
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Issue: 9, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 120 — 127
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