DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-1-33-36
The article presents the problem of children’s education in the academic discipline “Environment” in modern elementary school. Currently, there is a new federal state educational standard of primary education in the Russian Federation. It gives teachers new opportunities for the use of the course “Environment” for the development of children. The article provides an analysis of the resources of this discipline to achieve the learning outcomes in elementary school. New educational standard has three groups of educational outcomes: substantive results, metasubject results, personal results. All three groups of results were the basis for the analysis of the resources of the discipline “Environment.” The article describes the features to achieve these results by means of the course. In particular, it describes the nature of the content of the discipline at this stage, taking into account the changes of substantial lines at different stages of development of the discipline in the past. Shows the features of the use of problem methods and techniques at the lesson “Environment”, describes its problematic structure. Great importance is attached to the possibility of organizing research and project activity of students in the study of the discipline “Environment”. These activities correspond to the content of the course and can successfully form children’s universal educational actions.
Keywords: educational discipline “Environment”, standard of primary education, problem-based learning, research and project activity of students, educational outcomes
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Issue: 1, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 33 — 36
Downloads: 1113