DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-1-154-159
The article considers the issue of the usage of hydro-rehabilitation resources for the after-injury recovery of the sportsmen practicing in martial arts. In martial arts athletes experience great physical and mental stress, which leads to overstrain of various systems in the body and can cause injury. When sportsmen, excersising martial arts, receive injury they continue to train and participate in competitions, because of the fear of losing their sports form. Thus, the recovery time is prolonged, and the functional condition becomes worse, that forces the athlete to stop training for a long time and makes it impossible for him to continue his sports career. That’s why for the fast recovery of sportsmen practicing martial arts after injuries we developed a new method of the use of hydro-rehabilitation, which is developed by the author and includes the following components: 1) physical exercises in the water in different starting positions; dynamic stationary exercises and dynamic exercises in the water; exercises aimed at “stretching” back and abdominal muscles against the skirting of the swimming pool and in the process of swimming; dynamic exercises aimed at strengthening of the above mentioned muscles (front crawl, back crawl ways of swimming) using fins, aqua hand paddles, paddleboards, pull buoys for the focused work of certain muscles and thorough joints; 2) dosage of load; 3) the place which methods take in the training process of sportsmen; 4) education methods; 5) organization methods; 6) methods of control. The developed methodology has become the basis for the recovery of injured sportsmen.
Keywords: hydro-rehabilitation, sportsmen, martial arts, sport injuries, means and methods of recovery
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Issue: 1, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 154 — 159
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