DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-11-9-17
The article deals with the phenomenon of the Russian language abroad. As the title implies the article describes general research context of the phenomenon and focuses on the research of the Russian-language emigrant newspapers. In general research the context of the phenomenon of the Russian language abroad, basic approaches and research aspects are analyzed. The analysis of approaches and aspects is based on research works published in Russia since 1990s. The author refers to sociolinguistic, lingvocultural and intergrated methods of the research to basic approaches. Research aspects of the phenomenon are presented as branches, waves and generations of the Russian emigration. The article provides in detail two branches of the Russian emigration which are differentiated to the geographical principle – the West and the East Russian emigration. It is also reported about the diachronic aspect of the phenomenon of the Russian language abroad – waves of the Russian emigration and the sociolinguistic and language description of their typical representatives are given. In addition to this the synchronic aspect is described – the Russian language of generations within the scope of waves. In the general context of the research phenomenon of the Russian language abroad the author gives much attention to the Russian language of ethnic Germans who emigrated from Russia to Germany in 1990s. The object of the research is modern Russian-language newspapers of Russian Germans who live in Germany. The author analyses the structure of the Russian-language printed emigrant newspaper market in Germany and points out modern tendencies in the Russian language of newspapers of Russian Germans in Germany.
Keywords: sociolinguistics, the Russian language abroad, branches of Russian emigration, waves of Russian emigration, generations of emigration, Russian-language emigrant newspapers, Russian Germans, ethnic identity
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Issue: 11, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 11
Pages: 9 — 17
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