DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-11-53-60
Pragmatics of speech behavior of public language personality subject to its individual and personal peculiarities in conditions of media communication is not still examined enough. According to this fact in the aspect of influence on mass audience individual and typical linguistic and extra linguistic peculiarities of media discourses of public language personalities of an actress Tatyana Dogileva and film director Vladimir Khotinenko as the members of radio show “Dithyramb” on radio “Echo of Moscow” were considered in the article. Comparative and contrastive analysis allowed to determine some important in the aspect of influence on collective addressee typical and individual gender peculiarities, psychological (temperament, character), social (dependence on status), professional and some speech peculiarities (preference on the level of language means, which reflect specificity of human mentality). For researching of media discourse influence of individual and personal factors of language personalities on mass addressee contextdependent and semantic and stylistic analysis of questions and comments before broadcasting and comments after broadcasting, and analysis of regulative means and structures have been used. Connection of pragmatics of public language personalities’ media discourse with their informational field have been revealed. It was determined that first of all the content of language personality’s message is important, though form of expression also matters. The common factors, which are important for media discourse of creative public language personality’s influence according to the research, are the following: high level of media discourse emotionality as a reflection of not only gender peculiarities, but even cognitive style, that is connected with figurative and metaphoric reality perception used for creative persons. With such variety of regulative means used by language personalities, repetition in aggregate with other means and structures dominates (comparison, parcelling, rhetorical questions, etc). Some individual and personal peculiarities of media discourse may increase influence effect and at the same time reduce it. The results are of interest for theory of speech influence, media linguistics, communicative stylistics of the text.
Keywords: language personality, media discourse, informational field of personality, individual and personal factors of influence
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Issue: 11, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 11
Pages: 53 — 60
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