DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-11-129-134
Category of uncertainty, expressed in any language, is implemented by various means. Some languages have special means, while others use informal indicators.The Russian language belongs to the languages having no article, and consequently, the absence of morphological indicators of this category in the Russian language makes it difficult for native speakers of the Persian language learners of Russian. As a result, there are considerable difficulties in understanding the meaning of certainty and uncertainty in Russian. This necessitates a comparative analysis of the means and ways of expressing the category of uncertainty in the Russian and Persian languages. This study focuses on the description of the means of expression of the indifferent uncertainty in the Russian language and ways of transmission of its semantic shades in the Persian language taking into account the specifics of the expression of the category of uncertainty in the Persian language.
Keywords: certainty, uncertainty, category, indifferent uncertainty, article, the Russian language, the Persian language
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Issue: 11, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 11
Pages: 129 — 134
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