DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-11-140-143
At the present stage of education development the problem of application of Information and Communication Technologies, and Internet technologies in particular, to the educational process becomes more urgent. It happens, as the use of these technologies is now the key factor in the process of the overall globalization and informatization. The purpose of the research presented in this article is to reveal methodical potential of complex Blog and Podcast technologies application to English language teaching on the middle stage of instruction for the speech competence development. These technologies possess great methodical potential, and their complex application serves as an effective way of ability enhancement in all types of speech skills (of reading, writing, listening and speaking). It is also conductive to the speech competence development, which is the basic component of communicative competence, the main goal of foreign language acquisition. Application of Blog and Podcast technologies to foreign language teaching makes it possible for teachers to model alternative educational strategies, considering students’ psychological characteristics. It also enables teachers to introduce a fresh note into educational process, maintaining and raising a motivation level by that as most materials are quite of teenagers’ current interest and are able to engage learners into various kinds of conversation.
Keywords: Internet technologies, speech competence, Blog technology, Podcast technology
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Issue: 11, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 11
Pages: 140 — 143
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