DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-12-13-16
This article is devoted to the role, goals of the institution of curatorship in modern higher professional education. The goals of the institution of curatorship are coordinated with the tasks of modern higher professional education. The Institute of Curators, being one of the forms of educational work in the university, is characterized by the presence of structural and functional components, united by a common goal. An important factor is that the institution of curatorship promotes the development of competencies among students and promotes the all-round development of the student’s personality. A modern understanding of the institution of curators is defined. The article considers the principles on which the institute of curators’ activity is based. Problems are given and tasks of the modern institute of curatorship in the Russian system of higher professional education are singled out. It was noted that the institute needs modernization. Directions for increasing the institution of curator’s efficiency are given. The conclusion about the importance of the institution of curatorship for modern professional education and the prospects for its existence are made. The main provisions on the significant role of the institution of curatorship in modern vocational education are generalized. The need to modernize the institute of curators is highlighted, taking into account the experience and tendencies of the European and world development.
Keywords: higher professional education, institute of curatorship, curator, curator’s activity, the role of contemporary professional education
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Issue: 12, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 12
Pages: 13 — 16
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