DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-12-37-41
The article describes the educational practice of tutoring in the context of challenges of individualized society. The problems faced by people in individualized society include growing uncertainty of life and the lack of clear guidelines. This uncertainty complicates planning life, setting long-term goals. A person feels helpless, he is disoriented and unable to control the events, his life loses its integrity, becomes fragmented. In the article the skills allowing a person to live in instable society, such as the ability to identify his values, to find the resources to achieve his goals, to organize his activity and to implement its reflection are named. Different approaches to understanding the concept of ‘individualization of education’ are considered, the concepts of ‘individual approach’ and ‘individualization’ are differentiated. Individual approach involves considering the individual characteristics of students, while individualization of education is a broad concept, implying the subjective position of a student, appeal to his interests and needs, development of student’s self-control, self-reflection, and self-planning. The essence of tutoring practice as an effective practice of individualization is revealed. An open, humane position of a tutor, expanding educational space of a tutee and promoting his self-development, is opposed to a directive, authoritarian position of a teacher, limiting the educational space of a student and blocking his independence. The role of a dialogic position of a teacher in implementing tutoring practice is marked. Since the practice of tutoring allows a person to reflect on his life and forms the set of skills necessary for a decent life in the situation of instability, it should be used in education to meet the challenges of individualized society.
Keywords: individualized society, individualization of education, tutoring, tutor, dialogic position, tutor position of a teacher
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Issue: 12, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 12
Pages: 37 — 41
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