DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-12-118-122
In the article the author examined the views of scientists on the problem of choosing the topic of the study and described the requirements for choosing the topic of children’s research: accessibility, interest and benefit for the child. The text of the article contains a description of the mistakes that children make when formulating the title of the topic of the latest research. Semenova N. A. singles out the peculiarities of preschoolers’ research activity, she describes the approaches to the selection of the research topic in the kindergarten, reveals the differences between the spontaneous and specially organized research activity of preschool children. The article presents approaches to the selection of topics for educational research in primary school. Enumerated educational tasks, which the teacher solves when choosing the topic of children’s research activities. The author of the article proposed a method how to identify and formulate these criteria for choosing the topic of his research by junior schoolchildren in joint activities with the teacher. He provides the results of the analysis of the themes of children’s research works performed by junior schoolchildren and submitted for the contest “Create, Explore, Try” at Tomsk State Pedagogical University for seven years. The researcher makes a conclusion about what topics and why are claimed by the pupils of the primary school.
Keywords: research topic, choice of research topics, competition of children’s research works
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Issue: 12, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 12
Pages: 118 — 122
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