DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-3-18-23
The category of leisure refers to one of the most ancient categories. Leisure has always been an important component of human life, taking a central place in the system of social relations. The interest of the American society in such a kind of leisure activities as tattoo led to the fact that currently it is embedded in everyday life and has become an integral part of the American culture. This fashionable form of art reflects one of the leisure activities of a person – manipulating his body, “decorating” it with punctures in the skin or application of paints on human skin. The article discusses the content of this phenomenon in the American society at the present stage of its development. Our research is carried out in the field of cultural linguistics which studies language in close connection with a person, his spiritual and practical activities, culture of the ethnic group. Based on the study of various sources and also conducted a lexicographic analysis of the basic lexeme tattoo and its derivatives, synonyms, slang expressions objectifying the component “tattoo” in the English language, the author comes to conclusion that tattoo is currently recognized as a significant for researchers and rapidly growing block of modern culture, one of the most important forms of artistic expression and as a way of communication.
Keywords: category, leisure, art, subculture, tattoo, body, body painting, body art
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Issue: 3, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 18 — 23
Downloads: 1087