DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-3-68-74
The theoretical part of the article dwells upon onomatopoeia as a lexical expressive means employed in the advert, the principles of referring a word to the onomatopoetic class of words (for example, the etymological label “imitative” in English and “lautmalende” in German), the classification of the onomatopoetic words in accordance with the source of the sound, as well as the reasons for using the words of the imitative origin by the copywriters. Due to the above said the practical part of the article consists of the adverts (both in English and German) containing the examples of onomatopoetic words used as notional parts of speech. The analysis (comparative in character) being made, it’s possible to conclude that the words of onomatopoetic origin function mostly as nouns in English, and verbs in German. Their principle roles in the texts are as follows: 1) to create an attractive acoustic image of a product; 2) to attract recipient’s attention to the specific characteristics of a product; 3) to single out the product from a range of similar goods, thus making it more effective for memorizing the brand by rhyming echo-phrases; 4) to increase the general expressiveness and emotional impact of the text; 5) to make it less formal and more laconic. Exclamatory interjections are also used in an advertising text making the latter not only less formal, more comprehensible for an average customer but also more compact and economically effective.
Keywords: onomatopoeia, an imitative origin of the word, lexical expressive means, advertisement
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Issue: 3, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 68 — 74
Downloads: 1433