DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-4-64-70
Wide application of project method in teaching of physics shows the potential of this method for engineering education in modern conditions of training of specialists able to adapt to modern conditions of production. The studies of many authors confirm the need for the formation of the generalized design skills for teaching physics at the technical University throughout the study at the University, including classes in physics. In our previous studies were introduced the notions of learning tasks in physics and generalized design skills and proved their compliance with the stages of the training project activities, represented the design skills formed on these stages corresponding to the phases of professional design activities of engineer. As a means of forming generalized design skills, we propose to use learning tasks in practical classes in physics. This article presents one way of forming common design skills, criteria for the selection of learning tasks in physics with the aim of forming common design skills, introduced the concept of the design potential of learning physical tasks. The authors show the method of formation of the generalized design skills and the step by step algorithm of actions of the teacher to organize the educational process to create and implement projects based on learning tasks in physics.
Keywords: project potential of physical problem, project method, project skills
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Issue: 4, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 64 — 70
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