DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-8-22-27
The article analyses issues of the English language teaching concerning foreign language mastering and considers the ways to organize listening, ESP reading and develop the skills of writing. The paper focuses the reader’s attention on exercises classification to develop these skills and highlights the main differences in delivering the English language to the students who study linguistic and nonlinguistic subjects. Nowadays it is difficult to overestimate the importance of the English language for the students of nonlinguistic specialties because only if they know English they can communicate with foreign colleagues and share their best practice. The authors stress that it is necessary to use discursive analysis while teaching students of nonlinguistic specialties because it helps to receive the information about nonlinguistic factors. Moreover, teachers have to apply individual and differentiated approach because students of nonlinguistic specialties usually have different level of knowledge. And in this case the entry test can be useful but it is important to remember that entry test is not the best means of estimating students’ English level and it has some deficiencies. At the same time one of the most important thing during working with future translators and teachers of English is home reading which allows to give the information not only about language but also about culture and history.
Keywords: student of linguistic and nonlinguistic specialties, English for specific purposes, discursive analysis, individual and differentiated approach, axiological approach, home reading, Content and Language Integrated Learning
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Issue: 8, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 8
Pages: 22 — 27
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