DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-1-193-197
There was provided a substantiation and development of the content of the innovative academic discipline. On the basis of FSES HVE (Federal State Education Standards for Higher Vocational Education) and curricula there was made a conclusion that all blocks of professional pedagogical training of physical culture teachers are insufficiently represented by remedial and preventive training. Also there are no integrated academic disciplines covering theory and methods of remedial and preventive solutions applied in sports, physical education, academic and work activity. Reasoning the content of the discipline, the author relies on the methodological approaches, principles of professional remedial and preventive training of physical culture teachers, principles of remedial and preventive training of sportsmen in the structure of athletic training, requirements of qualification profiles, systemically important characteristics of the professional activity sphere of the Departments of Physical Culture and Sports: types of educational, athletic, recreational institutions; specialization; type of professional activity of physical culture teachers. On the basis of the stated supporting grounds there was marked seven sections, their content was developed: Section 1. Theoretical foundations of professional remedial and preventive activity of physical culture teacher. Section 2. Scientific rationale of application of remedial and preventive solutions. Section 3. Professional remedial and preventive activity is the basis of humanization of sports and physical culture practice. Section 4. Professional remedial and preventive activity in sports institutions, sports clubs. Section 5. Professional remedial and preventive activity in commercial recreational and fitness clubs. Section 6. Professional remedial and preventive activity in comprehensive schools, technical schools, secondary specialized colleges and higher education institutions. Section 7. Professional remedial and preventive activity in enterprises, institutions, organizations.
Keywords: remedial and preventive solutions, supporting grounds for the development of the disciplines content, methodological approaches, professional remedial and preventive training, principles, systemically important characteristics of the innovative sphere of
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Issue: 1, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 193 — 197
Downloads: 980