DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-3-14-18
Theoretical and content aspects of the professional training essence of future economists for interaction with foreign partners are revealed. The necessity of professional training of future economists is grounded because at the moment it is one of the actual scientific, theoretical and applied problems of pedagogy. The purposes of students’ professional training of non-linguistic universities are considered. The specifics of improving their professional training are revealed. The concepts of professional and communicative competencies of future economists are revealed. Characteristics of the professional competence types are given which ensure the fundamentality of the training of future economists in accordance with the federal state standard of higher education. The necessity of forming these modern specialists’ competencies for their professional self-realization and interaction with foreign partners is grounded. The functional purpose of the course of teaching a foreign language as part of the general training of future specialists of a nonlinguistic institution is defined. The influence of a foreign language on improving the professional skills of future economists is substantiated. The structure of effective characteristics of their professional training is specified. The results of the conducted experiment on the evaluation of the success of students professional training and the level of the development of their professional skills are given. The factors influencing the preparation of qualified specialists in the field of economics are determined.
Keywords: vocational training, language training, professional competence, communicative competence, interaction with foreign partners, foreign language
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Issue: 3, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 14 — 18
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