DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-3-50-54
Mastering the skills of proper, meaningful, logical, rich and expressive speech is fundamental to the child’s personality formation and its development has its own arsenal of methodological means used in elementary school, where the most important is learning to write essays. This type of work is aimed at improving monologue speech of children, enrichment of practical experience of their speech activity and formation on this basis of communicative-speech skills. The article reveals the peculiarities of work on various types of essays, which are widespread in the practice of primary school teachers. These are the essays on paintings, on personal observations, on the books read. The methodical aspects of working on a narrative composition on a series of paintings and one picture, as well as a description of a landscape picture, are presented. The characteristic is given of the activities of the teachers on the organization of observations of primary school children with the purpose of accumulation and selection of material for the subsequent writing of essays. The types of exercises that you can use when preparing children to write essays based on personal observations are listed. Specificity of learning to write reviews about a book you’ve read, and the features of work on types of feedback in primary school is given. The sequence of the work on writing the essays in the second and third classes is characterized. This article is addressed to primary school teachers and can also be useful to teachers of higher educational institutions and educational organizations of additional professional education, students of pedagogical universities, methodologists of primary education.
Keywords: composition, types of essays, primary school teacher, junior schoolchild
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Issue: 3, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 50 — 54
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