DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-3-59-63
The history and current understanding of educational projecting, its nature, objectives, principles, functions, forms and levels are considered. The main theoretical problems and difficulties existing at the present stage of development of pedagogical projects are presented. The key future problems of classical design are shown. The current approaches to the development of the pedagogical project in modern science are presented. Analyzed and defined the nature, objectives, tasks, forms, methods and technologies of pedagogical design. The general description of the process of pedagogical designing of the educational content is given. The main characteristics of the levels of design of educational content are described. At the conceptual level orientation on professional and personal development needs of students, described in the author’s demand approach is provided. On the technology and process levels of the designing educational content, the technology and general development educational content algorithm are presented. Defined the aims, objectives and requirements to the content of training in the implementation of project technology of the educational content. In conclusion, the outcomes and the prospects for further research in the technology of pedagogical designing of the educational content are given. The technology helps to design educational content according to professional and personal demands of students and to develop educational demands through developing spiritual, moral, cognitive and information needs.
Keywords: pedagogical design, educational content, needs and demands approach, educational content, project technology of the educational content
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Issue: 3, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 59 — 63
Downloads: 1340