DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-3-121-125
The article discusses the establishment of students’ graduation projects based on real industry tasks in the Far Eastern State Transport University (former Khabarovsk State Railway University) as a progressive form of students’ scientific research at the end of the 50–80-ies of XX century. At first real-life graduation projects were introduced into educational process at the chair of “Railway operation” in 1958. The article presents a list of important students graduation projects of 1958–1960 completed for the Far Eastern Railway and the city of Khabarovsk. In addition, the stages of students’ the thesis design are analyzed, starting from information gathering to the presentation of projects to the examination committee. Also, the characteristics of real-life graduation projects are discussed such as the passthrough design (real and meaningful tasks of the industry were selected in the third year of the study, allowing students to do research in the format of coursework), group projects (the projects that require complex calculations were entrusted to a group of students), the use of computers for accurate design calculations. The author proves that students’ real-life projects were the most time-consuming form of research work as they were executed on the basis of real data; they were relevant, responsive and reliable and solved the tasks of the Far Eastern Railway and industries; they allowed students to be actively involved in the projects of industries, to adapt faster at the future workplace and have better career prospects.
Keywords: students’ scientific research, real-life graduation projects, Far Eastern State Transport University
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Issue: 3, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 121 — 125
Downloads: 1014