DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-6-39-43
The article deals with the concept “Lexical structure of a text” as one of the major notions in functional lexicology and communicative stylistics. In connection with the fact that the basic element of any piece of art is a word, the fundamental element in research of creation of a specific author is identification of peculiarities of the lexical structure of his poetic texts. The analysis made by the author of the article makes it possible to compare the features of the lexical structure of the texts with different creative periods of the author and to identify a certain dynamics. In order to carry out the analysis of the lexical structures of O. E. Mandelstam’s poetic texts based on the periodization of the poet’s work offered by M. L. Gasparov, three most typical, written at different times poems were chosen: relating to the period of early creation “More tender than tender”/ ”Nezhneye nezhnogo” (1909), to the period “Tristia” “The light Moscow rain”/ ”Moskovskiy dozhdik” (1922), to the period of the thirties of the twentieth century “We live with no sense of the country”/” My zhivem, pod soboyu ne chuya strany” (1933). The research found that the lexical structure of poetic texts by O. E. Mandelstam is notable for its wealth and diversity. The poetic texts chosen for the research made it possible to identify various types of their lexical structuring (Depending on the central main point of associative-semantic macro network of the work; depending on the dominance of one of the three types of sense relationship in the framework of lexical microstructures: addition, intensification and contrast; depending on the degree of explicitness / implicitness of dominant lexical microstructure). It is established that the prevalence of defined type of lexical structure in poetic texts by the author correlates with different periods of work of the poet in accordance with evolution of his poetic and linguistic worldview.
Keywords: lexical structure of the text, types of lexical structure, dominant lexical microstructure, poetic picture of the world, O. E. Mandelstam
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Issue: 6, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 39 — 43
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