DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-6-176-181
The student’s investigation competence should be considered as one of the most important components of his professional development. Its formation could be observed during student’s investigation activity. The purpose of the article is to consider the specifics of students – future teachers’ research competence development. As a method or methodology of the work, the activity-oriented and person-oriented approaches are chosen. The article analyzes the problems of students – future teachers’ research competence formation. The theoretical analysis of Federal state educational standards was held. It allows us to identify priority professional tasks within the framework of research activity. Considered formative stage of experimental work on formation of the research competence of students. Identified and justified the criteria for the formation of research competence. Identified characteristics of indicators and levels of formation of each criterion. It is shown that research competence presupposes the presence of creative abilities of future teachers, and includes obtaining of required skills, abilities, processes of analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, methodological and theoretical bases of professional-pedagogical activity, the ability to creatively resolve pedagogical tasks, to perform the functions of a teacher through creative selfimprovement. The field of application of the study results is training of students – future teachers at university.
Keywords: evaluation criteria, students’ research competence, scientific-research activity, formation, future teachers
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Issue: 6, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 176 — 181
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