DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-8-9-13
Advertising text in English is considered at the intersection of two paradigms: linguistics and cultural studies. The relevance of the article is due to the ability of the advertising text to broadcast not only information about the product or service (price, parameters, benefits), but also about the way of British life and culture, and therefore it can be used in the process of learning language at the university. For example, the focus of our attention was on advertising texts from the magazine “The People’s Friend” – a magazine which is mainly intended for older women and is broadly traditionalist in outlook. Reading advertising texts contributes to the development of the skills of English language learners to decode, correctly interpret the hidden cultural codes in the text, to formulate their attitude to the information contained in the text and adequately use the acquired knowledge in speech. Analysis of several advertising texts revealed the attitude of the British to aging, wills, charity, burial: 1) elderly people’s life should be comfortable with help of the advertised devices (Stairlift, Easy-Air Bath Lift, safety seat); 2) it’s common to make a will and donate to a charity (leave a gift in your will, including World Cancer Research Fund in your Will, Please remember Battersea Dogs and Cats in your Will); 3) it’s common to take care of one’s burial (to plan your funeral, to pay your funeral, in advance); 4) people may be cremated after their death; some people may wear a locket with ashes typically after a funeral ceremony in memory of their loved ones (The locket opens to reveal a vial that can contain ashes as a memorial).
Keywords: text, advertising, commercial, cultural linguistics, cultural and linguistic component of the text, stereotype, tradition
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Issue: 8, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 9 — 13
Downloads: 1161