DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-8-28-33
The article covers the problem of identity construction in children, which defines Russian educational policy today, actuating the search for alternative ways to implement it. Special aspects of indigenous minorities of the North are described in the light of other regions of multicultural Russia. The author studied the regions of Russia inhabited by indigenous small peoples, as well as their distinctive features that have a significant impact on the process of identity formation in children of the North. As a result of systematization of analytical data from 19 subjects of Russia and analysis of academic packages, a problem in cultural disciplines’ courseware has been revealed. The relevance of the subject (course) “Culture of the Peoples of the North”, developed as a result of research at the Research Institute of National Schools of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), was substantiated here as one of the key educational resources in the process of comprehensive formation of positive types of identity. The research has been carried out within framework of a public assignment from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation starting since 2015. This article reflects the results of a research work on the development of a system aimed at formation of civil, regional, and ethno- cultural identity in children of the peoples of the North in form of a curriculum and teaching aids.
Keywords: culture, spiritual values, indigenous peoples of the North, civil, regional, ethno-cultural identity
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Issue: 8, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 28 — 33
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