DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-8-87-91
The article deals with the problem of teaching technical students to professional foreign vocabulary in relation to the joining “Initiative CDIO” which is an innovative educational framework for producing the next generation of engineers and the demand for specialists with the knowledge of a foreign language at work. It defines the difficulties of getting a lexical skill in speaking and problem solving activities. The article discloses psychological basics of learning a word as a complicated mechanism, which includes both visual-hearing-motional structure and semantics. It describes the approaches to teaching professional foreign vocabulary existing today. As a result, it suggests implementing exercises based on a list of words, which proves their effectiveness; it demonstrates the examples by giving a list of words (short phrases) on a particular professional topic and different tasks to motivate and encourage students to learn, practice and use the vocabulary in speaking. Communicative approach in teaching foreign languages presupposes the use of sets of instructions, situational correlation, communicativity, functionality while organizing these exercises. Creation of comfortable educational environment contributes to students’ motivation in the process of professional lexical skill formation and development. It is important to take into consideration learners’ individual peculiarities, interests, likes and needs to achieve better results in teaching professional foreign vocabulary.
Keywords: technical students, professional foreign vocabulary, lexical skill, exercise with a list of words, communicativity, individualization, motivation, educational environment
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Issue: 8, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 87 — 91
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