DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-1-113-127
Introduction. The relevance of the article is determined by the increased interest of philologists and the general public to the personality and creative heritage of I.S. Turgenev in the year of his 200th anniversary. Nonetheless despite the long tradition of studying the personality and creativity of the Russian writer at school the Turgenev pedagogical studies lag behind the scientific studies. Materials and research methods. The hypothetically formulated problem was confirmed during the analysis of scientific and methodological work and by the diagnosis of residual knowledge of students. Stereotypes of student’s perception of the writer’s personality and interpretation of his work are revealed. Results and discussion. In the article productive ways and forms of students’ acquaintance with the personality of the writer are considered including development of new genres of biographical essay. Particular attention is paid to the Turgenev concept of nature and love and their aesthetic and philosophical essence. New teaching methods for enhancing students’ reading activity, in particular, methods of formation intertextuality (based on the reference to the landscapes of the artists of the Barbizon School) are proposed. New ways to familiarize students with the writer’s manor texts in the context of Russian manor culture are recommended. The specific recommendations are given to include the novel «Noble Nest» into the 10th grade literature lessons. New approaches to the study of the novel «Fathers and Sons» are revealed and the method of its comparison with Avdotya Smirnova’s television series «Bazarov’s Error » based on the writer’s work is proposed. Conclusion. In conclusion of the article aiming to update the perception of Turgenev’s novel, students developed a model of a dialogue lesson involving the work of modern literature (a remake of Vera Tchaikovskaya «The New Under the Sun»). In general, the study revealed that further methodological improvement of the process of studying Turgenev’s personality and creative work at school is possible by relying on established traditions and using new forms and ways of organizing student’s reading activities, as well as improving the philological competence of a language teacher.
Keywords: The problem of studying Turgenev’s personality and creative work at school, traditions and innovation, stereotypes of the writer’s world, knowledge diagnostics,Turgenev concept of nature and love, manor text, methods of enhancing reading activity, methods of forming intertextuality, updating a classic work, literature lessons’ multimedia usage
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Issue: 1, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 113 — 127
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