DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-2-7-13
The article deals with the analysis of the structure and content of the linguacultural concept “Enterprise” in the Russian linguacultural view of the world. Data for study includes dictionary entries of various explanatory dictionaries and encyclopedias as well as the electronic collection of newspaper reviews presented in a reference system of Russian National Corpus. The article provides the results of description and comparison of cognitive signs of the considered concept presented in the semantics of dictionary definitions and on material of Russian modern printing media. The analysis presented in the article allows to define and enlarge the list of notional signs of the concept “Enterprise”, and reveals some peculiar conceptual features while studying the combinability of the above-mentioned concept that gives the chance to present a more detailed mental world picture of Russian native speakers. According to our statistics, the key signs of the concept verbalized in dictionary definitions are “activity”, “agent/person” connected to enterprise activity and “benefit”, as a result of activity. While corpus examples, apart from those basic signs, demonstrate more diverse structure of cognitive signs, which represent concept “Enterprise” as a social phenomenon, such as “job”, “source of income”, “subject, course”, “social layer”, “social and economic phenomenon”, “image”, etc. The article is also due to show the changes in speakers’ mental picture of the world caused by the changes in the society. The research results can be used to compile dictionary entries as well as to provide lectures in Cognitive linguistics, Linguacultural Studies, etc.
Keywords: linguacultural concept, lexeme-representative, notional sign, conceptual feature
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Issue: 2, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 7 — 13
Downloads: 764