DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-2-56-62
Aim and objectives. This issue is relevant for modern print journalism, which publishes materials on the economic theme. Since the book vocabulary is an effective means of expression and a tool for the implementation of the author’s plan, the use of book words in such texts goes far beyond highly specialized terminology. Among this kind of vocabulary can be called terms from other areas of scientific knowledge, used mainly in a figurative sense, outdated and old vocabulary, words of poetic speech, etc. The aim of the work is to consider the main functions of the book vocabulary in the journalistic economic text, as well as to identify the main tasks that it performs in publications on the economic theme. Material and methods. The work is done mainly by the method of comparative analysis of the language means of journalistic texts on the economic theme of the daily newspaper “Moskovsky Komsomolets” and the business newspaper “RBK”, because they cover important economic topics, publish materials in different genres and present readers with different points of view. Results. The first of these tasks, which performs book vocabulary in the text of economic publication, is the transfer of the author’s assessment, the journalist’s attitude to the subject of speech. In addition, book words can be a means of creating irony. The second task is explained by the desire of the author of the published material to draw the reader’s attention to the text as a whole or to individual problems addressed in it. To do this, journalists often resort to noneconomic terms used in a figurative sense, and to Patriotic vocabulary, inscribing it in a variety of contexts. Note that book words can become a kind of stylistic frame of the text. Conclusion. According to the results of the work, it is concluded that book vocabulary is one of the most effective tools of journalistic creativity. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that at the moment there are no scientific papers on the use of language tools in the texts of economic journalism. The results obtained in the course of the work can be used to train future journalists.
Keywords: functions of literary vocabulary, economic discourse, author’s assessment, media text, means of expression, terminology, outdated vocabulary
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Issue: 2, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 56 — 62
Downloads: 915