DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-2-98-107
Introduction. Having emerged as a tool of linguistic analysis, the corpus is now actively interpreted in terms of language learning. It allows us to speak about the formation of a new direction in humanitarian education – corpus teaching. Material and methods. The article deals with the consideration of the сorpus methodical potential in the field of student’s research work organization. It demonstrates the problem and project exercises that can be used in the practice of teaching the Russian language and the disciplines of the cycle “Modern Russian Language” (spelling, morphology, lexicology, orthology, etc.). The main target audience of the tasks are philology students, though with some adaptations they can be applied in the Russian language school course as well. Results and discussion. The presented tasks are aimed to the analysis of such phenomena as genus changing of nouns, polysemy, borrowed vocabulary, neologisms, the establishment of the words authorship and time of their appear in the language, outdated vocabulary and thematic groups using corpus data. To solve the tasks, students need to use such tools of the Russian National Corpus as lexico-grammatical search, search by semantic markup, ordering the results by date of creation, setting the sub-corpus and showing statistical information. In some tasks, the use of the corpus is combined with reference to the traditional means of learning – the dictionary. Comparison of vocabulary and corpus information allows to combine regulatory and customary approaches to the study of language and significantly expand the student’s understanding of it. The author describes the search mechanics needed to complete the tasks and gives methodological comments on the estimated results of the students and the teacher’s actions. The commentary is structured so that the reader could easily see the discussion potential of the educational material. The source for the tasks described in the article was the Russian National Corpus. Conclusion. In the end, the author draws conclusions about the pedagogical specificity of the corpus. According to the author, the corpus is an effective base for the implementation of the problem-based learning method and the project method, and its use allows students to look at the language as a living, mobile organism.
Keywords: corpus linguistics, data-based teaching, corpus, Russian National Corpus, Russian language teaching, electronic educational resources
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Issue: 2, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 98 — 107
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