DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-3-18-26
Introduction. Primary school is the most responsible period in the development of personality, because it allows the student not only to master the educational activities, but also actively participate in the process of socialization. It is significant that for modern junior schoolchildren both extra-curricular and educational activities are implemented in the conditions of informatization of the life of society and education. Aim and objectives. Consequently, primary school teachers should be aware of the changes taking place in the daily life of students, study the requirements of the state and adjust their professional activities in such a way as to solve the problem of social literacy in the digital school. Comparison of the requirements of regulatory documents allowed to determine the purpose of the study, which consists in scientifically based modeling of the process of formation of social literacy of students. Material and methods. The content of the article is based on the use of methods: theoretical analysis, expert method, methods of pedagogical modeling, analysis and interpretation of pedagogical practice. By clarifying the conceptu al field on the basis of a polynuclear analysis, a connection has been established between the content of the terms: competence – functional literacy, socialization – social literacy. Comparative analysis of ideas about key competences in different countries of the world, contributed to clarifying the characteristics of social literacy and the characteristics of its formation in primary school. Results and discussion. The most important result of scientific research was the pedagogical model developed on the basis of environmental, competence, personality-oriented and axiological approaches. The most difficult professional tasks for an elementary school teacher are reasonably attributed to the creation and development of communities and the education of responsible behavior of younger schoolchildren in the conditions of informatization. As an example, the results of pedagogical practice on the implementation of the developed model in the conditions of the information-educational environment and their scientific interpretation in the logic of the continuous professional development of the teacher are given. Conclusion. The conclusion emphasizes the need to take into account the new conditions of the organization of the educational process in primary school for the formation of social literacy of younger schoolchildren. Materials of the article can be used by managers of advanced training and retraining programs for primary education workers, administrative and methodological teams of educational institutions of general education.
Keywords: key competences, junior schoolchild, socialization, social functional literacy, information and educational environment
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Issue: 3, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 18 — 26
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