DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-3-48-54
The aim of work is to know how the project activity development dynamics of first-year students of psychological and pedagogical departments could be arranged and prove suggestions of project activity development levels: reproductive, productive, constructive. Based on the previous research and experience of working with future teachers, we suggest a hypothesis that in order to organize learning academic activity of children, a student needs to discover his/her own logic of pedagogical project, which, besides the commonly known project stages of idea – implementation – result also includes discovery of pedagogical principles as the main essence of professional knowledge instead of using a ready pattern. The content analysis method was used which collect data associates with the student’s ability to project activities. The work describes the results of the experiment in which participated 76 first-year students of the Institute of Pedagogy, Psychology and Sociology of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Siberian Federal University”, including 52 students from two experimental groups of psycho-pedagogical direction and 24 students from the control group of pedagogical direction of training. The results show that the progress in project activity development of experimental group students differs significantly from the progress in project activity development of control group students. Therefore, it is only the focused work of the teacher intended to develop and implement the pedagogical project ideas, based on the open search dialogue activity principles discovered and formulated by students, that brings them to such results as early as during the first year of studies.
Keywords: development, project activity, activity approach, project activity development levels
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Issue: 3, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 48 — 54
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